Rangapara College



One of the mission statements of Rangapara College is ‘to transform lives and serve society by promoting the participation of rural students in higher education.’ As the college is situated in a rural area most of the students are from economically and socially disadvantaged groups consisting of ST, OBC, and Adivasi communities known as Tea Tribes. Most of the students are first generation college goers as their guardians are either illiterate or semi-literate. If the society remains backward, the purpose of establishing the college by its founders will remain unfulfilled. Considering all these, the college decided to put its efforts to develop the villages of the surrounding areas.

Sl No Community Based Activities Activity Report
1 Beti Bachao Beti Podhao
2 Community Services during COVID-19 Pandemic in the neighbourhood community
3 Activities in the nearby Adopted villages
4 Awareness Programme on Gender Equity in Chengelimara High School,
Chengelimara, Sonitpur, Assam on 10th January, 2022
5 Contribution to Chief Minister’s Relief Fund as
a part of Community Service on 25th May 2022
6 Charity Teaching to Economically Disadvantaged Students (L.P & U.P) organised
by English Department from 26th March 2022 to 30th March
2022 in the nearby villages
7 Awarness Programme on Witch Hunting and Black Magic organised
by Bodo Department in collaboration with District Administration
on 27th January 2022 at Oujuli, Rangagarah Village of Sonitpur distrct
8 Blanket Distribution at Mercy Children Home on 1st January 2022
9 Motivational Programme on Higher Education for H.S.L.C and
H.S Passed Students at Urahiloga High School organised by Department of Bodo,
Rangapara College on 2nd August 2021
10 Free Eye Check-up on 15th March, 2020
11 Donation of Books to the children of Mercy Children Home
organised by Rangapara College on 7th March 2020
12 Awareness programme on Improving Communication Skills in English
among secondary Level Students of Vernacular medium Schools at
Mansiri High School of Sonitpur district on 18th November 2019.
13 Programme on the Role of Rural Women in Eradicating Superstitions in
Bogijuli M.V. School of Sonitpur district organised by Department on
18th November 2019.

Rangapara College



Audit for Quality enhancement, Effectiveness and Accountability

Efficiencies of an institution cannot be brought without a regular audit. An audit can identify inefficient process and unhealthy habits of a system. Through audit, quality can be enhanced. There are some statutory audits like financial audit for the institution which are mandatory. Besides the statutory audits, educational institutions can enhance the efficiency of its different systems by ‘self-introspection’ and conducting audit resulting in enhanced accountability.

Rangapara College conducts Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA), Energy Audit, Environment/Green Audit, Gender Audit, Hostel Audit, Library Audit, PwD Audit, SC and ST Audit and OBC/MOBC Audit for its quality enhancement, effectiveness and accountability.

Objective of the practice:
  • To understand the strength and weakness of the system.
  • To improve the quality maintenance in a continuous way.
  • To prepare roadmap of the activities after finding out the opportunities.
  • To make the authority and the stakeholders understand the existing process and system.
The Practice:
  1. Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) is conducted by the academicians and academic administrators of different universities. However, the audit team must include at least one Academician of Professor rank from the affiliating university.
  2. Energy Audit is done to know the energy consumption of the college and its cost per year. It also helps in the energy management of the college. The audit is done with the aim of minimising the cost of energy and also to conserve energy in a fruitful manner.
  3. Environment/Green Audit is conducted by External experts of the affiliating university or govt. agencies and environment committee. The main objective of the audit is to promote the Environmental management and conservation of the college campus.
  4. Gender Audit assesses the extent to which gender equality is effectively institutionalized in the policies, programmes, organizational structures and proceedings. The audit is done by a team of female teachers and female non-teaching employee of the college.
  5. Hostel Audit is done by a team of teachers of the college. The objective of the audit is to assess the basic amenities like food, water supply, cleanliness, health and hygiene, and living condition of the borders.
  6. Library Audit is done by an internal committee of the college. Number of newly purchased books, journals, magazines, installation of e-resources, and infrastructural facilities are taken into account.
  7. Audit of the Differently Abled Persons is done to know the situation and the facilities necessary for the persons with physically disabled of the college and also to assess the implementation of Government Policies.
  8. SC, ST, OBC/MOBC Audits aim to understand the number of students of these communities in the college and their conditions, progress and necessities in the college.
Sl No Community Based Activities View Report
1 Academic and Administrative Audit 2021
Academic and Administrative Audit 2020
2 Eneegy Audit 2021-22
Energy Audit-2020-21
3 Gender Audit- 2016-17 to 2021-22
4 Green Audit-2020-21
Green Audit-2019-20
5 Hostel Audit-2021-22
Hostel Audit-2020-21
Hostel Audit-2020
6 Library Audit-2021-22
Library Audit-2019-20
7 OBC/MOBC Audit 2021-22
OBC/MOBC Audit 2020-21
OBC/MOBC Audit 2019-20
OBC/MOBC Audit 2018-19
OBC/MOBC Audit 2017-18
8 PwD Audit 2021-22
9 SC & ST Audit 2021-22
SC & ST Audit 2020-21
SC & ST Audit 2019-20
SC & ST Audit 2018-19
SC & ST Audit 2017-18